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Help Areas Of Indian Legal System

PM Associates for Business Consultancy

PM Associates provide consultancy solutions to all of your Business Problems

This group of Advocates i.e. Indian Legal System is a Home for those distressed persons who are shattered from Heart to Home due to a False Accusation of Sexual Assault or a Bad Conviction. Interestingly, it is not a single shattered home, it is a class of Homes together lying devastated. In the Indian Legal System the Courts have also started realizing that to save ‘Heart to Home’ of such helpless people they need to deal this problem of False Allegations needs to be dealt with a hard hand.  

Intensive Legal Consultation

प्रारंभिक मुफ्त कनसलटेशन के बाद फिर भी यदि कुछ रह गया है तो आप उसे Intensive Legal Consultation में पूछ सकते हैं

इसमें कानून के सवाल भी आ जाते हैं और फैक्टस के भी आ जाते हैं।

इसके अलावा कुछ विद्वान एवं जिज्ञासु व्यूअर्स अपनी बौद्धिक समस्याओं का समाधान भी चाह सकते हैं।

ऐसी बौद्धिक समस्याएँ भी हो सकती हैं जिनका किसी खास केस से कोई लेना देना नहीं होता बल्कि वे सामान्य कानूनी समस्याएँ होती हैं

अधिक विस्तार के लिए नीचे क्लिक कीजिए

Distance Advocacy

हर व्यक्ति को सही गुणवत्ता-पूर्ण और Qualitative Advocacy मिले इसके लिए हम लोगों ने एक नया तंत्र विकसित किया है – Distance Advocacy का। Distance अर्थात दूरस्थ, दूर से और Advocacy अर्थात वकालत या वकील द्वारा सहायता। आप दूर होकर भी उतनी ही गुणवत्ता वाली Advocacy प्राप्त कर सकें जितनी दिल्ली में बैठकर यहाँ की बड़ी कंपनियाँ या ‘दिल्लीवाले’ कर पाते हैं। और यह हम अपनी Distance Advocacy से आपको उपलब्ध करवा पाते हैं।

When a careless, callous and ignorant judgment is passed against you, it inflicts all penalties on you. We save you from such acts both at judicial and administrative levels so that you are not hurt from that Bad Conviction

A Law House is never complete unless it professes its regular areas of Legal Practice. We also perform in Areas of Civil, Constitutional, Partnership, Marriage, Guardianship, Damages, Defamation and other Tort cases.

Home Cybercrime

Cybercrimes and the Crimes through the networking over global internet services through the Dark Web and Deep Web. These people are doing E-robberies, E-dacoities and E-ransoming from this illegitimate part of web.

Home Registration Process

Go For Registration

Registration is a necessity and a benefit both. It earns much discounts.

Home FAQ

FAQ सवाल जवाब

We have enlisted your all questions here with there suitable answers. Please refer to this page.

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  • इसके साथ साथ हम आपकी Privacy का भी पूरा पूरा ध्यान रखते हैं।
  • आपको एक पूरा सपोर्ट सिस्टम  देते हैं जो आपका हर तरह से ख्याल रखता है – Legally, Forensically, Prosecutorially, Socially and Morally also.
  • हर तरह से हर तरफ से सुरक्षा।
  • आपकी सुरक्षा और सुविधा हमारे लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं।
  • आप चाहें तो यहीं से दाईं तरफ वाले कॉलम से व्हाट्सएप्प कॉल भी कर सकते हैं।


यदि आपकी प्रॉब्लम बहुत Urgent है तो  हमें WhatsApp Message भेजें और अपनी मुश्किल बताएँ।

नीचे क्लिक करके आप हमें WhatsApp Message  भेज सकते हैंः

This group of Advocates i.e. Indian Legal System is a Home for those distressed persons who are shattered from Heart to Home due to a False Accusation of Sexual Assault or a Bad Conviction. Interestingly, it is not a single shattered home, it is a class of Homes together lying devastated. In the Indian Legal System the Courts have also started realizing that to save ‘Heart to Home’ of such helpless people they need to deal this problem of False Allegations needs to be dealt with a hard hand.  

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Against False Accusation

When a false allegation is made against you and you have an apprehension of arrest, suspension and other legal steps, we provide a complete support system for you and protect you from all problems of false accusation.

Home Elder Care Lawyer

Reliable Elder Care Lawyer

Elder Care Lawyer helps you to take care of your senior age people effectively and without feeling handicap giving shape to your wish and aspirations. Your physical state does not become a barrier to your mental well-being.

Home Legal Prahari

Your Legal Prahari

Life is full of uncertainties, business, tensions, liabilities, headaches etc. These uncertainties can be legal also. We as your Legal Prahari stand committed to protect you form all such tensions and headaches. you need just to allow us.

When a careless, callous and ignorant judgment is passed against you, it inflicts all penalties on you. We save you from such acts both at judicial and administrative levels so that you are not hurt from that Bad Conviction

A Law House is never complete unless it professes its regular areas of Legal Practice. We also perform in Areas of Civil, Constitutional, Partnership, Marriage, Guardianship, Damages, Defamation and other Tort cases.

Home Cybercrime

Cybercrimes and the Crimes through the networking over global internet services through the Dark Web and Deep Web. These people are doing E-robberies, E-dacoities and E-ransoming from this illegitimate part of web.

सारी बात आपको आपकी भाषा में बताई जाए और आपको इसके लिए किसी अन्य पर निर्भर न रहना पड़े, यह सारी जानकारी एक हिंदी के पृष्ठ पर दी गई है। आपका ज्ञान आपकी ताकत है।

Here is the procedure to get a support from the Indian Legal System against False Allegation for ensuring your legal security. Go through it Carefully.

Registration is essential and beneficial both. A registered member always enjoys priority over a non-registered user. The biggest benefit is discounted fees.

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    Therefore, Body-Fluids signatures found from the Spot of Occurrence become critically important. The Body-Fluids found on the Spot can be ascribed to the accused but in False-Implications it is not so.


    For the purpose of matching DNA of two individuals only 16 DNA Markers are used. 16 particulars locations called loci have been earmarked by the scientists. A particular variant of gene is called Allele.


    Everything is a self-portrait; it is a diary. Your whole drug history is there in a strand of your hair. Your nails are files of forensic details. Your stomach is a document. The calluses on your hand tell all secrets.


    An individual has no right to take his CDR from the Network Service Provider. However, when a Court issues directions to them they produce it. So when you need your CDR - move a court to seek help.


    There are three types of extractions that may be performed on a mobile device: logical, filesystem, and physical. The feasibility of these three types of extractions depends upon the make, model and operating system of the mobile device.


    Digital evidence is fragile and can be easily altered, damaged, or destroyed by improper handling or examination. Even a touch can change time-stamp of the data. A log impression is instantaneously generated, if the mobile is logged off and kept in FARADAY'S BAG for further tests

    Departmental Enquiries

    For the people in service Sector the biggest hurdle is to find a correct consultation and a right person who can defend them in the departmental proceedings. We, at Indian Legal System can provide such persons legal backup and the Authorized Representative


    If someone is not able to handle these technical matters e.g. Forensics, DNA Analysis, Mobile Data Extraction Reports, Serological Examination etc. and examine them then the advocates of Indian Legal System NGO helps him in Courts also.

    Sh. Varinder Kumar Sharma is a legend. Presently he has been an Advocate on Record in the Supreme Court of India since the year 1997.

    Ch. Pawan Jain has served the Law for last more than 40 years. Besides being a Tax Lawyer he is a great master of  cloud management.

    He has been a law student for more than 35 years. He fought against the injustice as a student, as a teacher, as an advocate and as a judge. 

    If you are an Advocate with an explorer instinct then we can be associates. You need an instinct to explore an unexplored area. Please send resume.

    Here are our YouTube Videos which are related to our topics or otherwise relevant.