About Indian Legal System
Indian Legal System is a support system for those who are victims of false implication. False implication is a curse to the society as a whole and also to those who live in that society.
Indian Legal System has taken a lead in this field to help these helpless people. Indian Legal System provides a complete support system in which
- A help is provided to the needy person;
- A help is provided, if a request is made, to the lawyer of that needy person;
- If both of the needy person and his lawyer are still not capable of handling the matter, then an assistance is provided, by our seasoned lawyers in his court presentation of the case;
- If the needy person is victim of a Bad Conviction, then he is helped in Higher Courts so that he gets proper justice of his share;
- In Departmental Inquiries also, from Consultation to Defence Representation is provided as per need of the person.
Technologically Enriched Gadgets
One more important thing is that these days high technologically enriched gadgets are used to falsely implicate the victims. Therefore, to support the truth and lancinate the false implication Indian Legal System has provided high end support e.g. Forensics, DNA Fingerprinting, Serological Examination, Mobile Data Extraction and Call Details Records are provided to the victims.
Let us develop it more.
When you are dragged in a Court Case not because of your fault but because someone is allowed to misuse a law.
Victim of a Bad Judgment: When you are indicted not by a Judgment but by the poor quality of Judgment delivered.
Chamber No. 103, 104
CD Block Pitampura
Delhi 110034
+91 9910765379
Monday – Friday :
11:00-17:30 Hrs
16:30 Hrs
– केवल एपॉन्टमैंट द्वारा
It is very easy to trap you through a DNA Fingerprinting Report. When an Advocate, Prosecutor and a Judge do not anything, A Forensic Expert deposes anything he likes…
Serological Experts are completely misusing the Court System because all the stakeholder like Defence Counsel, the Prosecutor and even the Judges are ignorant on the subject
On one hand your Mobile Phone is tricky and helping while on the other it can get you trapped. If precautions are not takenn it will leave impressions which can damage you.
Serological Experts are completely misusing the Court System because all the stakeholder like Defence Counsel, the Prosecutor and even the Judges are ignorant on the subject