What is false Implication A false implication means a matter where a false allegation is leveled against a person with a view to cause harm to that person by using [...]
Category: Blogs
Blogs are those small writings which tell about what is happening in cases of False Allegation and Bad conviction. We take up Old decided court Cases and other relevant sources of information.
Can A Law be MisusedCan A Law be Misused
Can A Law be Misused Generally, a law gives some favour to a person or class of persons. इन लोगों को या समूह को उस कानून का Beneficiary कहते हैं। [...]
Is Law SacredIs Law Sacred
Is Law Sacred? Is Law Sacred is a debatable issue. Arguments can be led on both side if the law is sacred. A concept or thing is called sacred when [...]
Laws, Rules, Regulations and CircularsLaws, Rules, Regulations and Circulars
Laws, Rules, Regulations and Circulars Last time we tried to understand what the law is? Now we try to understand what the Rules, Circulars and Notifications are in relation to [...]
What is LawWhat is Law
What is Law Every field of life is regulated by some Rules. जीवन को रेगुलेट करने वाले ये नियम लॉ कहलाते हैं। लॉ कई प्रकार के होते हैं – जैसे [...]